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newEQTools version 5 - Full installer
Download Type Manufacturer Release Date Version File Type File Size
Software Equinox Technologies 23/10/2024 5.0 build 6250 Compressed File (*.zip) 22 MB
Short Description This is a full installer for EQTools version 5.
File Name

Long Description:

This is a full installer for EQTools version 5.

Software versions in this release

This release of EQTools contains the following software utility versions:

Software application name

Software version



Version 5 Build 6250

Main EQTools application

Upload Wizard

Version 4 Build 6250

Utility used to upload ‘Standalone Programming Projects’ to a programmer.


Build 4035

Utility used to monitor / control the Interface Database.


Interface Database

Version 33
*** New version ***

This is the Interface Database which is shared between EQTools and ISP-PRO.

The database has been upgraded to version 33.

Z-Wave S2 Security Crypto dll

Version 2.0 (Build 1.13302)

This is a special dll required for use with Z-Wave "S2 Security" key generation.

Newer software patch versions are available 

There may be more up-to-date versions of the EQTools components available now.

Please download the latest "Patch" versions from the "Software patches" section on the "Download page" and then install these manually onto your PC.


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