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AMP 4-1761206-1 Molex I2C PCB Mounting Connector (4-way) - ROHS Compliant
This PCB mounting connector provides a standard way to connect MCC I2C Adaptors to any I2C or ACCESS.bus Target System. ROHS Compliant version.
Manufacturer:  MCC
Order Code:  AMP-4-1761206-1
3.50 (GBP)

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10 days delivery
Molex I2C PCB Mounting Connector (4-way) non-RoHS
This PCB mounting connector provides a standard way to connect MCC I2C Adaptors to any I2C or ACCESS.bus Target System.
Manufacturer:  MCC
Order Code:  MCC-417612061 non-RoHS
3.25 (GBP)

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17 September 2020:
  ConsoleEDS - Software Update Patch (V5 build 6022) More Info
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